Our authors at meditation research
We are delighted to have an excellent team of experts at meditation research. This ensures that we can provide scientifically robust, well-informed information and critical evaluation of all the main areas of the science of meditation.
Dr Peter Malinowski is the founder and chief editor of MeditationResearch, where he shares his passion for a scientific understanding of meditation. His research is regularly published in high quality international scientific journals, he is a sought after speaker and appears on national TV programmes (e.g. BBC One), radio channels (e.g. ABC Australia) and international news outlets (e.g. New York Times).
Dr Malinowski is a Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience at Liverpool John Moores University, where he works as Co-Leader of the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour, Programme Leader of the MSc Positive Psychology and Wellbeing and directs the Meditation Research Lab. He is also on the Board of Directors of Consciousness Mindfulness Compassion – International Association and works as scientific advisor for NeuroMindset (Mindset Neuroeducación).
His research focuses on investigating how meditation influences psychological functions and related brain processes, aiming to take a long term perspective. He is particularly interested in advancing meditation as a preventative approach and a way of unveiling inherent qualities of mind. Some of his projects also take an applied focus, for example concerning healthy cognitive ageing, meditation in the workplace or as surgery preparation.
Dr Kat Schneider has recently completed her PhD in mindfulness and physical activity at Liverpool John Moores University, School of Psychology. She is currently working as a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland in the field of exercise psychology. Her research interests include mindfulness, meditation, exercise, eating behaviour, and mental health. Kat has also previously completed an 8-week course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction & Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and a 12-week teacher training course in Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice. She has a personal meditation and mindfulness practice since 2017 and is the creator of the Maybe Mindful blog.
Dr Liliana Shalamanova holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University in Göttingen (Germany). She works as Senior Lecturer in Immunology and Renal Biology in the Department of Life Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University. She particularly contributes content about immune function, inflammation and other physiological processes that may be influenced by meditation.